If you are thinking about booking a family photoshoot (or already have), then congratulations! This is a beautiful way to capture your family’s love and connection. Before your session there are a few things you should do to prepare your kids (and yourself!) for the big day.

Don’t worry, it’s not as daunting as it sounds. With a little bit of planning (and these 7 tips), you will be confident and prepared to achieve amazing family photos that you will cherish for years to come. So, let’s get started!

Little girls wearing pink dress plays in Friendship Gardens Park during golden hour as parents smile down at her.

Plan ahead

Preparing for a family photo session doesn’t happen overnight. You’ll want to give yourself—and your kids—plenty of time to plan out every detail. Sit down with your kids and talk about the photoshoot. Show them the photographer’s portfolio and explain what you’ll be doing while you’re there. It's also fun to plan a special treat for after the session as a reward for a job well done - like going out for ice cream!

Make sure your kids are well-rested

It’s easy to overlook the importance of making sure your kids are well-rested before the photoshoot. It is especially important if you have young kids, as tiredness can affect their mood and energy levels. Make sure to plan ahead and give your kids enough time to get a full night’s sleep before the shoot or an afternoon nap for evening sessions. This will help them stay refreshed, alert, and ready to have fun during the photoshoot! It’s also important to make sure your kids are well-fed before the shoot. If your children are feeling hungry, it can be difficult for them to stay focused and have fun.

Have snacks and drinks on hand

Keeping snacks and drinks on hand during a family session can be a lifesaver. It's important to make sure your kids are well-fed and hydrated during the shoot, so having snacks and drinks readily available will help keep them energized and focused.

Toddler girl wearing pink dress plays with bubbles during golden hour photoshoot in Plainfield, Indiana.

Let them be themselves

When it comes to family photoshoots, it’s best to let your kids be their natural, genuine selves. Don’t force them to pose a certain way, or to give fake smiles. Allow them to be silly and playful, and capture those real moments. It’s those candid moments that will truly reflect the spirit of your family. 

Be patient

Above all else, try to remain patient and understanding during the photoshoot. Kids will be kids, and sometimes unexpected things happen. Don’t get too frustrated and try to keep a positive attitude. Remind yourself that it’s all part of the process!

Little girl wearing pink dress sits on dad's shoulders smiling down at mom at Friendship Gardens in Plainfield, Indiana.

Be prepared for anything

A family photoshoot is a great opportunity to capture the wonderful chaos and love of your family. And with kids, it’s important to be prepared for anything. Have a few extra sets of clothes on hand in case of any spills or accidents.

Have fun!

Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun! It can take a lot of energy and effort to get everyone organized, but the end result is worth it. Enjoy the process, and use it as an opportunity to make lasting memories with your family.

Looking for a special way to capture memories with your family? Booking a family photoshoot is the perfect way to do just that! With all of these helpful tips, you can be sure that everything goes as smoothly and enjoyably as possible. I am always here to help you out – don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or are ready to book your family session!